Mayan Calendar 2012 Prediction

21 Dec 2012 is the end of Mayan Calender which the period is 25,625 years and divided into five cycles of 5,125 years.According to their calculations our solar system will be in one line with Hunab K'u, the center of the Milky Way which is astronomical correct. And from this central galaxy received a 'spark' of light which causes the Sun to shine more intensely producing what our scientists call 'solar flares' as well as changes in the Sun's magnetic field. The Mayans say that this happens every 5,125 years. But also that this causes a displacement in the earths rotation, and because of this movement great catastrophes would be produced. They said that this will be the end of the world..Well, i guess my world too...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


We were seeds planted on the sand
We grow, nurtured by the sun
Whipped by the wind
And soaked by the rain
Ain’t hold to groom
Till May’s bloom.
A bridal’s offer in June
A lonely flower
For last kiss and prayer
A playmate in burial
Come end of July

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